MAURICE BREW HAS WHAT IT TAKES and is the kind of male alpaca owners wish they had in their own breeding program. From the first time Mau stepped into the show ring as a juvenile in 2006, he began turning heads. His show track record couldn’t have been better; he was undefeated in his class over numerous shows and also took a number of colour championships and a Supreme Championship at the competitive Lloydminster show under Judge Val Fullerlove of England. Senior Australian fleece judge, Cameron Holt, was equally impressed with Maurice and awarded him a reserve colour championship at the AC National Fleece show in Halifax.
Stepping out of the limelight of the show ring and giving his show halter a bit of a rest, Maurice Brew went to work at Aztec Alpacas as the main coloured stud. He did not disappoint there either. Maurice made a major impact on both general phenotype and fleece qualities on his progeny out of a variety of coloured dams. Most consistently, he passes along his handsome balance and proportion, stamping a pleasing phenotype to his offspring. He has improved the fibre coverage, fineness, density and crimp in the fleeces of his progeny. As his offspring begin to reach the age to step into the show ring, they are also proving their fine qualities � of recent note is Mau’s black son, Hugo Boss, who won the black championship at the 2010 CNASF. To date, Maurice has sired a variety of solid coloured crias from black through browns, fawns and white, dependent on the colour of the dam.
He is making a big impact with his ability to what I call, set type. On a variety of dams, his offspring exhibit his typey, square frame and handsome headstyle. He has produced a variety of colour on his offspring, dependent on the colour of the dam. All have been solid colour.
Without exception, the fleeces on his progeny have all been superior to that of the dams. His offspring tend strongly towards improved fineness, density and general fleece coverage over that of the dam.
2009 histogram results ( 4th fleece)
AFD 23.9, SD 4.9, CV 20.4, Spin Fineness 23.1
1 year growth staple length – 90mm
2010 (5th fleece)
AFD 22.5, SD 4.8, CV 21.4, Spin Fineness 22.0
1 year growth staple length: 86.4 mm

- CNASF ’06 – first in class and Dark Colour Champion
- Lloydminster Oct. ’06 – first in class, Colour Champion and Supreme Champion (judge was Val Fullerlove – England)
- FarmFair ’06 – first in class, Dark Colour Champion
- Northland Spring show ’07 – first in class, Dark Colour Champion
- CNASF ’07 – first in class, Reserve Fawn Champion (judges were Jude Anderson and Peter Kennedy)
- Alpaca Canada National Fleece Show 2008 – first in class, Reserve Colour Champion (judge was Cameron Holt)
- 1st Salmon Arm Fair 2011 (Judge: Wade Gease)